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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Changing your life a half hour at a time

Many of us want to change our lives.  The challenge is that our "better lives" are often abstract and undefined.  Also, many of us do not know what, exactly, needs improving, let alone how to go about it.

I challenge you to join me on a quest of life-improvement, and I'll show you what I do.

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the 6 categories of your ultimate life.

Step 2: Get yourself an iphone, itouch, or electronic day planner, a paper day planner or at the very least, a calendar.

Step 3: On the first of every month, program/write in to FF C3GUS (which is just a nice abbreviation for fighter's focus the needs): and then your chosen need (ie "Connection" being the first "C")); dedicate a half hour of fighter's focus to make a list on how to improve that need in all areas of your life.

Step 4: On the 1st, get a piece of paper and title it FF: Connection (or Certainty etc) and make the headings "Personal", "Business", and "Self".  Next, make sub-headings under each.  For example under "Personal" you might write your spouse's names, friends, family, associates etc.

Step 5: Brainstorm and write under each one, using your fighter's focus.

Step 6: Before putting your creation away, schedule another half hour into your planner as the last step, some time as soon as possible, and definitely within the next week or so, and use that half hour to assign dates to do all the things you've come up with.

You can plan months or even years in advance, and feel free to spread out your ideas in any manner you choose.  The point is, you now know when you'll be doing all these things, and how long they'll take.

If necessary, you can split step 6 into multiple days/hours, but do try to finish it all up by the end of the month, as, next month, you move on to the next need!

This process will not only help you improve the level of love and connection in the lives of everyone around you, but as a result, it will also improve this need of yours, as well.  The more love you give, the more love there is!  The same is true for all the needs.

If you feel up to it... Include people you dislike in this list.  How could you improve the love and connection in the lives of someone you dislike?  Or how could you help a person who is your business competitor?  Gems of ideas will be created from this line of thinking.

Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts

How could you best encourage a blogger to blog?

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