About The

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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Sensei Mindset

One of my students asked me the other day how to have the "Sensei way of life", to which I replied you would need the Sensei mindset.  Its the same way you get the life of anyone, you simply adopt their habitual behaviors.

I then clarified with him what he meant BY the Sensei way of life, and he was talking specifically about my tendency to tap him out without too much effort.

I replied that it was certainly a question of knowing the techniques, but, that the most important aspect was the mindset behind the techniques - the constant seeking for opportunity, recognizing the opportunity, and acting upon it habits.

I informed him that its the same habits I have for a lot of things, including financial desires.  I informed him that the only thing that separates millionaires from non-millionaires is their ability to see, recognize, and act upon opportunities.

The same is true in Jiu Jitsu :)

Sensei Ono

Thursday, September 1, 2011

When there's no right answer

What do you do if you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't?

What do you do if there is no right answer?

I say:  Ask, or create, a different question.

To give a humorous example, this morning I went in to shower, and noticed that my wife's towel (which has her name on it) was in "my" spot, and that the other towel there was more damp than the other, but both were slightly damp.  Like a monkey who has gotten a shock when choosing the wrong towel, I was left at an impasse. If I take the towel in her spot, that's wrong.  If I take the towel with her name on it, that's wrong...  bzzzt!

So, I went to the linen closet, got a third towel, and used that.

Am I suggesting that all of life's challenges can be solved so simply?  Perhaps not in the amount of effort my new option took, but yes, I am suggesting that the mindset to look for a third option when there appears to only be two is an excellent habit to have, which will lead you to solutions such as this.

Whenever you are damned if you do, damned if you don't, you will eventually have to pick a side - nobody respects a fence sitter (and its uncomfortable anyway).  In the process of picking the "best of the two bad outcomes" I suggest always looking for a third option.

There usually is one :)

Sensei Ono