I know you still have your preferred diet, and that's fine. You can keep your juicers, your veggies, and the rest of your alkaline diet. That's fine, you can keep those. (for now).
What we're going to do, is start re-introducing acid into your diet. So, nothing as drastic as coffee or pop, but, start with sprinkling some sugar on appropriate foods.
Even salads are still quite tasty with the sugar on it, and, the increased acid will begin targeting your alkaline reserves. This is great! Once adding this refined acid to your foods becomes more and more of a habit, we can take more drastic steps.
Start ingesting acidic snacks. Things like chocolate chips will, again, fit in nicely with your alkaline snacks. (say, your bag of raw almonds).
Eventually, gradually replace the almonds with chocolate covered almonds, then, chocolate covered peanuts. Congrats! That's an entirely acidic snack!!
Now, the main meals. I know you don't want to hear it, but, we're going to have to get rid of the greens. All this acidic snacking we're doing is still going to be counteracted by your main staple: The salad.
Again, start small. Put some shredded carrots in there. They'll still taste healthy, but, they'll convert to sugar, which will convert to acid. Next, see if you can replace any kind of soy bacon bits with the real thing. (The nitrates in bacon will really accelerate the process if you can stomach them.)
Now, simply add some breaded meats to the salads. Things like KFC may be a bit much to handle, but, there are types of breaded chicken not quite as a jump in the health-levels that you can find in the less-healthy sections of your local supermarket.
Another transition you can slowly make, is with your pastas. Replace any form of whole wheat pasta with white flour pasta. Again, do this gradually. Start with adding 20% white flour pasta, and gradually increase to 50, then 70, then 100%.
We're really burning now!
Do the same with breads. There are plenty of "50/50" breads to help with the transition. White flour is really high in acid, and, again, acid = fat!
The plus side of all these changes, is, you're probably going to get sick more often. Which means that, hopefully, you'll generally have less energy. Less energy = less exercise! We're on our way!
This is a facetious article
Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
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