First off: All extreme diets that cause you stress are bad.
So, don't stress.
Be gradual in your transition.
Secondly: All diets are to be maintained. Any diet that is only for a few weeks or months is going to be temporary.
Its basic math. If the bad food outweighs the exercise and good food, the bad food wins, eventually.
Thirdly: how you move, when you move, and how you breathe is also important.
A good martial arts school can teach you basic lymphacticly cleansing breathing techniques (which sound complicated but aren't).
So: What is good food?
Veggies. That's it! Oversimplified? Maybe, but start there.
Make salad your snacks and major portion of your meals. If you want to go all the way, research green drinks that both energize the ingredients with megahertz and contain high quality alkaline ingredients (types of grasses are best).
As you do this, it will change your biochemistry so that it does not crave the bad foods. What I mean by this, is that you do not require willpower to do this once you have gained momentum.
This is the cure to weight problems that plague us as a society. Up down, up down. Stop! Do this for 30 days and you will have the momentum that will last you a lifetime!
Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
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