It dwarfs other schools, being seven thousand square feet, and has large video screens which the staff use to project very innovative teaching methods, including class notes and the instructor themselves (top down views etc)
But it doesn't end with the facility; what is most impressive, is the culture that the Shinka staff have created.

Some examples of this are on the mat, where people are helping each other with their martial arts; while other examples include teaching the younger students to read in the Shinka library, or some of the students teaching each other how to play chess in the study area.
Perhaps most impressive, is the bond between the instructors and the students themselves. It truly is like a gigantic family.
That alone would give it 5 stars. The cherry on top? The school has partnered up with the city of Las Vegas: And as a result, gives $4,000 vacations to literally every student, every year. Crazy!
Facility 5 Stars
Instruction Methods 5 Stars
Sensei/Student Relationships 5 Stars
I cannot say enough good things about this school.
(I suppose that's why I decided to teach there)
Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
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