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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Twister Side Control

I must say, I was shocked at the comprehensive quality of this Jiu Jitsu instructional book.  Having seen an absolutely useless DVD made by Eddie Bravo entitled "The Twister", I had very low expectations of his book Twister Side Control.  In fact, I doubt I would have even browsed through it had not one of Shinka's instructors, Sensei Sean, brought it in to our Richmond martial arts school.

You have to understand, Eddie Bravo, who is also the author of Mastering The Rubber Guard, is a bit of a character.  Known for his copious use of drugs, and insisting his students do the same, I personally would probably feel very uncomfortable hanging out with the man.  However, one can't deny the quality of this book and how it articulates his creative genius in the realm of Jiu Jitsu.

And, while anyone can come up with a creative move or two in Jiu Jitsu, it takes a very skilled practitioner to create a flowchart from one concept to the next.

Most Jiu Jitsu books have one or two images, and basically re-hash old moves in boring ways.  This book is innovative, creative, and, perhaps most impressively, filled with high caliber techniques that flow together.

Again, most Jiu Jitsu books tend to focus on a singular move, not a map of movement similar to an if(event)then(action)else(other event) and so on, logic.

Worth picking up!

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