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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Alkaline Green Drinks. Which ones are best?

Many Tony Robbins fans are aware of how passionate he is about his alkalize and energize program, that is, increasing the alkalinity of the blood via the ingestion of green drinksph balanced water, and, of course, a healthy diet and daily exercise.

There are several kinds of green drinks on the market, and, as with any market, there are some that are overpriced garbage, others which are underpriced gems, and a bunch in the middle.  

Also, the question of how much you want to spend at any given point is an issue as well.  For example, there are some which cost about $130, which have lasted me several years.  There are others that cost about $40 and only last a month.  So, while the grams of product to cost ratio might encourage one to get the $40 one, the actual "bang for your buck" ratio comes down to annual cost; as, with alkaline diets, you're in this for the long haul, not the temporary fix.

Sensei's Top Pick:

It has 3.5 grams per serving of actual "green foods", which is more than many other green products. It also has many other important herbs and various nutrients, and all in significant enough doses and potentcy to actually work

This is also rich in probiotics and prebiotics, which are also vitally important. Best of all, I actually DO get an energy boost from this product, and notice other signs that it is working, including smoother skin, improved mood, and simply "feeling better".
Runners up:
This is another good "green food" product, and if Green Vibrance wasn't available, I would go with this one. Very similar to Green Vibrance, but in my opinion Green Vibrance edges Greens plus out slightly.

Green Magma
This product is high-quality as well, but doesn't have quite as many nutrients as Green Vibrance or Greens Plus.

Earth's Promise
Pretty good product, but like Green Magma, it doesn't have nearly as many nutrients as Green Vibrance or Greens Plus.

Perfect Food 
Has more greens, but way over-priced

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