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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Saturday, July 10, 2010


The importance of clarity in your life - that is, which direction you are most hoping for, is not only important; I believe it is essential.

When you are truly clear of what it is that you want, the universe seems to do its absolute best to get you there.  When you are really sure about a lot of different things - I think maybe it gets confused.

Perhaps what the world must practice is focusing on one desired outcome, and allowing all that happens along the way to be recognized as a stepping stone towards it.

While life clarity is great - I think year clarity is something that many of us attempt to do, but very poorly.  New years resolutions are great and all, but often lack quantification, benchmarks or any forms of checks & balances. Essentially, they are vague statements with no recourse in either direction, and no inherent methodology intended to sustain any sort of momentum towards their outcome.

New years resolutions are great - but I would say to take a new years resolution and, at the very minimum, divide it into 12 quantifiable mini-goals/benchmarks.  Ideally, more.  (52 is a nice number)

"Just to get through it" isn't enough.  That's the life of someone who wanted to get to something but never got around to it.

If planning this month is too much work - then use this month to plan next month and get started that way.  Having outcomes for the month can be extremely helpful in focusing your efforts.

What's really important in your life?  What deserves your focus & attention the most?  (and how is it important in comparison to the year/life goals?)

Often times our lives, and our huge goals can seem somewhat overwhelming, or, at the very least, abstract despite our quantification efforts.

Weeks, on the other hand, if planned out, can be thousands of percent more efficient and more fun.  Take the time to plan out your week - everything doesn't have to go exactly to plan, but, you'll know exactly how much time to spend where, and how (and perhaps most importantly... why)

This is a simple one.  Just ask yourself in the morning a few great questions.  What am I most excited about today?  What are my top 3 desired outcomes for the day?

If you want to write them down you can - although sometimes this simple reminder tool can help focus us on our longer term visions.

Go forth and do great things my students.  And define what they are, and how to get there :)

Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts

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