About The

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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Secret Elixir of Immortality - Part 2

Within our body runs an intricate mechanism designed to turn what we eat into healthy, vibrant cells.

If you are following steps from Elixir, Part 1, then you are on your way towards living a long life filled with energy, vitality, and health.

As amazing as our bodies are, they do even better, with a little help; especially in the area of digestion.
I've provided some links to well.ca for your convenience.  Their prices are good, and they have free shipping to Canada!

Digestive Enzymes
Ever eat something... say, a bowl of perogies, or a punch of peanut butter on some white bread, or maybe some beans or a lot of meat... and feel a little... off?

Digestive Enzymes are the answer to that particular situation.

Now, I know, with your alkaline diet you won't be eating most of those things I just listed off... but I know as well as anybody that we aren't perfect.  Despite our best intentions, there are days where our ultra-diet is compromised by convenience, stress, timing, and location.

So, plan a little ahead, grab a couple of these puppies and you're good to go.  What digestive enzymes do, is break down food that your body has a hard time digesting on its own.

Also, as we age, our body runs out of digestive enzymes.  Taking these is an excellent way to keep that "buffer" up, and our system running smooth.

Acidophilus with Bifidus
There is good bacteria in your body, and bad bacteria.
The good bacteria breaks down food, and eats the bad bacteria.  Acidophilus is a concentrated collection of these good bacteria.

Also, things like antibiotics kill all bacteria in your body (both good, and bad).  This can lead to all kinds of digestive issues, and acidophilus is, once again, to the rescue in this case.

And, the ultimate: Chlorophyll
I absolutely, positively love Chlorophyll.
For starters, its amazing for you.  Its alkaline, it streamlines your digestive system and makes it run better, it tastes good, it looks cool (green liquid), its inexpensive, and its results are very fast.

Now dig this:  Chlorophyll is an internal deodorant.  What does that mean, exactly?  It means that it makes your sweat, and your farts, not smell.

How cool is that!?
If nothing else, pick up a vial of this miracle liquid and give it to your friend.  (you know the one I'm talking about)

Sensei Ono: Shinka Martial Arts

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