About The

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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I got my second stripe today.

Wait, you get stripes, you ask?

Why yes, yes I do.  They're based upon the culture and successes I have as a teacher.  Think of it as a "Shinka" belt.

Where my students get belts in the learning of Shinka, I get belts on the results of people learning the Shinka, and how well they've learned it.  Its a little confusing, to think of Shinka as a style and as a life's purpose, but, there you have it.

So, my first stripe was had on September 6th, 2009.  That marked an anniversary of Shinka, which was celebrated by the student body arranging a surprise party for me, filled with cards, well wishes, and expressions of gratitude.

The entire student populace banded together and expressed gratitude in very, very heartfelt ways.  It was really, really awesome.

Not just because they were all so grateful, but, perhaps even more so, because they were a culture, a family which had all joined together in their gratitude.  It was great, really.

Anyway, I got my second stripe the other day, when I realized how amazing our kids really were at Shinka.  One day, Sensei Sean mentioned how awesome the bigger kids were at taking care of, and ensuring a positive experience for, the younger kids.  How patient and parental they were.

The next day, a Mother pointed out nearly the exact same thing to me, as, we observed the truly outstanding culture we'd bred, and, in those compliments snuck in another compliment which made me cry - this was that one of the Moms, who also trains at Shinka herself, said that she didn't just come to learn martial arts, but, also, to learn how to be a better Mom from... me.  Probably one of the biggest compliments I've ever gotten, really.  Especially considering how awesome of a mom she is.  Another compliment that happened in that conversation was that, of course the kids were parental, loving and caring - they learn from their instructors' examples.  Also very, very awesome.

The next day, I taught the kids, and was again, impressed by the students' abilities and treatment of the newer students.  In that day, not only did the students pull off an amazing combo with power, speed, finesse and balance, but they also sparred with kids clearly younger and smaller than them, and did so in a parental way - ensuring it was a positive experience for the kids, and helping them into the Shinka culture'/family.

So yeah.  We do good things here at Shinka.  We're really blessed with a group of amazing students, and we truly love teaching them.

Keep on being awesome you guys!

Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts

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