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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Many people who take martial arts, or dedicate themselves regularly to various types of fitness are doing so for the purposes of self improvement.  

Those of us with that focus are also generally wanting to improve ourselves holistically, that is to say, completely and in every way.  

So what then, would be the key to having an outstanding life?  Well, the whole recipe might be a little long for a single article, but, a key element to that outstanding life would definitely be gratitude.

Take the time every day (especially right before bed) to find things in your lives to be grateful for, and, write them down.  Yes, look for ways to improve yourself, and those around you, and yes, exercise, laugh and smile as often as you can.  But make sure you find the time to express your gratitude, even if its just to a journal.

Unexpressed gratitude is like a gift left unopened.  To let people around you know how grateful you are for how they make your life brighter is an amazing gift which takes a few minutes out of your day, and will likely be the highlight of that person's week.

Sensei's Assignment:  
Be grateful, every day.  And, at least once a week, tell someone how grateful you are for however they've made your life better.  Even if you wrote them a letter and never sent it, I think just focusing on that gratitude would make you treat that person better, and even that, would be a gift you could give.

Sensei Ono, 

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