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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Saturday, December 31, 2011

C3GUS analysis - ideal self

I've been thinking about my C3GUS lately (the key to awesome reference)

About everyone's, actually.  About not just "is my C3GUS being fulfilled" but, SHOULD it be.

What do I mean?

To use an example, let's say Connection was my top value, and, to get that connection, I felt growth was my next most important value - then that would mean that growth led to Connection.  Meaning connection was the top priority, verses connecting to grow, I would grow to connect.

With me so far?

With that thought, I began thinking "what is the ideal hierarchy?"

I started with the thought of

I then quickly changed my mind to

After some thought, I changed my mind again to

And, currently, I'm thinking that

is the winner.  I'd love your feedback on what yours are, or what you wish yours were, or, what you think of my choices.

My explanation is this:
Connection is my top value, and always have been.  I really believe that life is all about connecting with people and improving their lives as well as your own.  Ultimately, that's why I believe we're all here.  To that end, my life has focused upon increasing the quality of my interactions, and the quantity of them as well.

Yet, oddly, I used to put "contribution" fairly low on my list of priorities.  I think I associated that with things like charity, vs wanting to contribute/help those around me; which, again, is what I'm all about.

So, with that small shift in viewpoint, my list became quite different.

Suddenly, Connection and Contribution were first, and growth followed shortly thereafter.  My reasoning for that came from my 2011 lessons learned; one of which was "sharpen the saw, use it, repeat".

Growth has moved around my hierarchy over the years, and, I'm quite happy with its placement here.  For me, its borderline second, because I think of Love & Connection AS Contribution, so, really, contribution was there all along but it wasn't RECOGNIZED as such, and, as a result, I don't think I fully understood myself.

Growth getting top spot makes me happy too, as, I really enjoy the process of personal growth.

Certainty getting itself down to the middle of the stack is a proud thing for me, as, I think when I was younger it was first, if not... above first lol.  I have a feeling that the older I get, the farther down the list it'll slip.  For now, I think that certainty/financial abundance helps fuel the growth, as well as help magnify the ability to help connect and contribute.

After that, significance, possibly the biggest shift in values, is getting lower and lower on the list.  The reason for this is similar to what I would tell a student focusing on getting a stripe.

When you work for the stripe, you often don't get the stripe.  If you work on it to work on it, ironically, you often get better faster, and the stripe sooner.

If you connect for significance, its ego driven and it comes through as preaching vs connecting.  If the significance comes from the certainty which came from the growth which came from the contribution which came from the connection... then that's an entirely different thing.  You're getting significance from the lifestyle and the proof that its working - you're getting the growth and contribution from connecting... it all flows nicer, and makes for a more honest and forthright person.

Uncertainty has always been last on my list.

This is probably the area of my values hierarchy that needs the most work - not because it is necessarily in the wrong place, but because I don't feel the need to move it.

All the other values move around and evolve and grow, while uncertainty has always been left to last.  What that tells me is that there is fear, there.  The fear to move that value could be holding me back in some way.


Not sure.  That's what mastermind meetings are for, though.

If you value variety in your life more than any of the other C3GS, please, tell me why!  I'd love to hear a different point of view, especially if it challenges my perspective :)

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