About The

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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Art of Martial Arts

Many people over the years have asked me why its called martial arts

The answer I tell them is that I believe there's a different answer for all of us as to why, however, my observations have been the following:

1) Martial Arts is using the body as an art piece, similar to competitive weight lifting, although, less based upon aesthetic form, and more based upon function.  What can I do?  What am I capable of? If I push myself, what can I truly achieve?

2) It is the art of creating a martial art itself.  The forging of all the various styles together into one style which one believes to be the best for them.  Like a chef looking for the perfect recipe, constantly combining concepts and ingredients.

3) The class structure and teaching of the art itself.  This transfers the art from oneself to another.  What can you get THEM to do, what is the perfect art for THEM?  How best to engage the audio learners, the visual learners, the kinesthetic learners and so on?

4) The art of self improvement on a holistic scale.  Meaning that Martial Arts becomes a vehicle for self improvement.  The ideology that how we do anything is how we do everything and feeling that, as we expand our ability to do Martial Arts, we expand our ability to do (insert goal here: business, relationships etc)

Sensei Ono

Friday, July 15, 2011

Family Bonding | Shinka Martial Arts

A family that trains together, stays together.

One of my favorite things to watch at Shinka, is the look of joy on a child student's face when their Mom or Dad joins to take Martial Arts with them.

I'd say my favorite thing to watch, is the child teaching the parent.  "No Mommy, like this" is just about the best thing on the planet to watch.

The role reversal really strengthens the relationship between the parents and child, and, it gives the child a sense of personal power which carries over into other aspects of life.

Ultimately, it is the bonding between parent and child which is so heartwarming and special to me.

Sensei Ono

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shinka Martial Arts is Huge!

One thing I never get tired of, is people's reactions when they first see Shinka's huge space.

Now that we have the boxing ring, I think it really puts the space into scale.

For those of us who have trained in little 20 square foot dojos, a 7,000 square foot dojo is a huge luxury.

Just simply having room to spar and run around is amazing, and its even better with long weapons (such as staff).

Also, this nice big space to train in allows us to simulate different situations, like alleyways, and other choke points (parking lots, garages, clubs etc) for really great self defense drills.

We're looking forward to putting in a UFC style cage as well, to simulate some fences and other flexible wall surfaces.  Ah, much to look forward to!

Sensei Ono

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Higher Grades From Martial Arts

100% of Shinka Martial Arts students who train 3 or more times per week have their grades go up.  Often quite dramatically.

The reasons behind this are many, including increased self discipline, empowerment, personal growth, uneleashing hidden abilities, as well as an increased fitness level which brings more oxygen to the brain.

On top of all that, Shinka uses scientifically tested methods of breathing techniques and movements which have shown to increase our students' test scores, as well as isolated test subjects and groups (including special needs students with ADHD, ADD, and Autism) called Neurodevelopmental Technology, or, Neuro-Tech.

What this all means to you, is that if your child is training at Shinka regularly, not only will they get in great shape, relieve stress, have fun, and learn to defend themselves...  but they'll get smarter, too.

Cool eh?

Sensei Ono

Friday, July 1, 2011

Martial Arts Fitness | Fun Workouts That Help Us Lose Weight

Martial Arts is the most fun way to exercise that I know.

For me, I dislike going to the gym.

I feel like I'm "wasting" time lifting heavy things repeatedly and I find it difficult to "push" myself.

At the gym, my mind understands the benefits, but my heart feels bored and distracted.

With Martial Arts, my mind is engaged, my heart is excited, and I'm smiling.

Yes, at the end of class I'm exhausted and I've burned a ton of calories, but it was basically by playing, not by "exercising"

The next thing I love about martial arts is how it engages the mind, and makes one focus on the now.

But that's another article :)

Sensei Ono