About The

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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Monday, January 17, 2011

MMA Child Prodigies - A Martial Artists Review

By now, many of you have seen the "next big thing in MMA"

The Tap-out boys, having trained since 18 months old are truly inspiring, and truly horrifying.

Why would I say this, you might wonder?  How could something be both beautiful and ugly at the same time?

While I enjoy watching UFC - I wouldn't wish the life of a professional fighter on anyone.

"But wait, don't you teach mixed martial arts?"

Yes, absolutely.  I teach martial arts - that is, the art of self defense.

Getting into a cage, on purpose, with another person of whom you are acutely aware is not only well trained at hurting people, but is there for the specific purpose of hurting you...  is the opposite of self defense.

Ultimately, getting paid to get punched in the brain is a tough way to go, for anyone.  And, while I respect the athletes involved with the UFC (and watch the sport avidly) I in no way "support" the concept, nor encourage my students to become fighters.

These boys' skills/age are inspiring, but taking those kinds of shots to their heads on an ongoing basis (especially)while their brains are still developing is... not good.

(I wouldn't want my child talking like Rampage Jackson)

Having said all that, in about 8 years these kids are going to be fantastic to watch and make a lot of money, and, hypocritically, I'll be one of the people watching.

Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts Founder & The Key to Awesome author