Short version: Thanks Mom & Dad, for telling me that I could do anything. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for helping me so that I *could* do anything.
To myself, thank you for taking the time to ponder life, and my own purpose. To Derek, thank you for teaching me what time leveraging was. To Robert
All of these people may not have been the perfect source for the information. They might not have been the best in their fields, or even in the top 10 in the world. But, they were who I needed to learn from at the time.
Derek motivated me through greed, which was my motivation at the time. Robert motivated me through a quest for power, which motivated me at the time. And Arneil taught me through a rare combination of humor and my own fear (not that he was intimidating, but he helped me come to terms with some of my own fears) to help teach me.
As the student progressed, I learned to learn from love, from passion, from joy, from altruism and other more positive places.
Thank you to Tony
I had one of those fantastic conversations today with two students of mine, and, as I passionately dumped life lessons on them by the bucketload, I saw within their eyes what it must have looked like to many of the teachers I'd had. That wonder of listening to someone and only getting 1% of what they had to say, but realizing the abundance of knowledge that they were simply inspired by.
I've been there, and it was a pleasure to be on the other side. Go fourth and flourish my students. Learn what I have learned sooner than I have learned it, and pass it on better than I have in the past. Like any good "father", I want you guys to be better than I ever was.
Today was a good day for me and two others, as a result of a large collection of people's efforts.
So... thanks :)